Facebook Lag [UPDATE 3]

*Update 3:

Facebook is reporting a fix for their lag issues. With the changes we made on our end to improve loading times combined with this fix, Vampire Wars should be running more smoothly.

*Update 2:

A couple players were expressing some confusion as to what the graphs below mean. Granted, they’re not very detailed. We just wanted to share what we’re seeing on our end, whenever our application attempts to gather any information from Facebook.

So, let’s see if we can explain these current problems a bit better:

Response time essentially means, when our application asks the Facebook platform for information, how long it takes for that information to make it back to us.

Currently, we’re seeing response times of up to 15 seconds. That means, when a player clicks a button, it takes at least 15 seconds for FB to even notice.

(Click the image for a larger view.)

Of course, this problem has been going on for longer than 10 hours, so let’s take a look at a graph over a longer period of time.

(Click the image for a larger view.)

This is the past 4 days. You can see the normal trend a bit better here. Usually, response times are less than 2 seconds. As we get closer to today, you can see the spike shoot up.

This is effecting many aspects of the game, potentially including gifting, combat, loot gathering, and mission completion.

Needless to say, this is extremely frustrating for us, as we’re positive it must be for you.

We’re currently looking into extending the NY Event to give you all more time to finish the missions and hopefully get some of those avatar outfits and abilities.

We’ll update this blog when that decision is made.

Update from Facebook:

“Current Status: API latency

We’re currently seeing issues with Platform API latency and are working to resolve them. We apologize for the inconvenience.”

API latency is still high. We’ve adjusted settings on our end that should at least allow players into the game but lag will still be an issue.

We’ll keep you updated as this continues.

Facebook has posted an update:

“Current Status: API latency

We’re currently seeing issues with Platform API latency and are working to resolve them. We apologize for the inconvenience.”

API latency is still high. We’ve adjusted settings on our end that should at least allow players into the game but lag will still be an issue.

213 Responses to “Facebook Lag [UPDATE 3]”

  1. Michelle Says:

    You really need to revisit this issue as page loads again lag up to 20 sec and the number of page load errors is now way over the top, making game play a largely uncomfortable experience.

  2. alienlovesong Says:

    I’m ready to stop playing. My energy boosts aren’t loaded and all of a sudden the numbers and skill ranking in Combat are off causing me casualities. If this isn’t fixed, I really do have better things to do with my time.

  3. Judy Balmerbrandt Says:

    i cant load vamp wars at all. i have been having alot of problems since i first started playing but i just played anyway, now i cant at all.

    • I have had the same problem since I first began playing and it has progressively gotten worse. After months I continued to try and play hoping things would get better but to no avail. Now I can’t judge, gift, scroll, or communicate with others in Comments. The Crypt locks do not work as they should. I will have to give up soon. Just wasting my time now when I could be doing something that works and that’s everything else on here except wars.

  4. Its been days that everytime I try to collect the XP bonus from friends level up’s and I keep getting a message saying “Sorry this link has expired” even tho it was posted less than 5 minutes. I tried multiple ‘Level up’ posts and still got the same message.

  5. Pam Lindsay Says:

    I have been having issues with just about everything I do vampire wars keeps going back to my coffin it is frustrating and I am almost ready to give up entirly on the whole thing

  6. I hope I will be able to edit my avatar soon andreceive the items from the NYC missions it said I received. I would please like to have theses comments acknowleged please.

  7. My stats page upgraded and when it did I lost the ability to allocate my stats.

  8. I think they shut down new york to soon as well as the santa feeding the renideer I think they should have extend both with all the issues they have been having makes me wonder if it is worth playing anymore I don’t like a lot games but i was enjoying this until a lot of major issues came up and there has not been any good answers from the folks on this game either a bunch of things I can not put on here

  9. i cant load vamp wars at all. i have been having alot of problems since i first started playing but i just played anyway, now i cant at all.

  10. Totally finished all 9 levels of New York…didn’t find all the Vampire clothes…Not happy about this…do I have to reset and keep working on this??? If that is true then I’m really disgusted… 😦 This is the ONLY game that I play daily!
    If Vampire Santa turns out into a bust I’m going to quit and make sure that all of my Clan knows why!

  11. I keep getting logged out of Facebook when I try to go to New York and when I try to publish the request for help from the Reindeer mission, and various other times when I go to post level up bonuses, it says I have to be logged in to do that, then it logs me out of Facebook. It is getting very frustrating, because otherwise I LOVE this game.

  12. There are several problems going on here. If someone sends 24 gifts to 24 vampire friends on FB, it says they have run out of invitation requests for the day. These are two non-related functions that we should be able to do as long as BOTH aren’t maxed out. I have had this problem for 36 hours now. It finally let me send out 12 invitations earlier, and the invitation links to join clans don’t work either. The only way the invitations work is to add friends and them have them send invitations and this takes too much time. I don’t know how else to notify you of this. Also, it will not load the page if you click on an invitation link in the FB page–I have to go to the page another way and then look under the clan tab to accept the invitation. It should work FROM the FB page. Please fix this…Thank you.

  13. I completed the NY missions at the same time FB decided to crash so it didn’t allow me to publish this and I also didn’t get the last avatar gift so I can’t get the NY background…..PLEASE HELP SO I CAN GET THE BACKGROUND 😦

  14. Same stuff has been happening to me. Not receiving Blood of Elders that i got as gifts, not publishing to feed my reindeer, and doing all the levels again in New York and still needing the last two items. I need lots more blood or at least the blood thats qwed to me.

  15. Stopped playing the game because the site would just flicker and I couldn’t do anything about it. 3 months till now i’ve just started trying to play it again and now everytime I click the missions button nothing happens. Am I really going to have to delete this app again because it’s impossible to actually play this game. So much effort and time goes into these games and now nothing.

  16. My avatar will not show being dressed. I have just started the game and I don’t understand how I used points on avatar and she is still not dressed.

  17. I’m not having lag atm but there is other issue. Combat is not working. My vampire is lvl 70 and has only 16 clan members. Combat now lists me only vampires over lvl 100 or then those who have over 500 clan members. Like it lists those who are lvl 174, I try refreshing and now it might show those who have 501 clan members. Very very rarely it shows anyone at my levelrange 70-80. This is horrible. 😦 Since now I’m being also attacked by people who are way above lvl 100 to over 200 and have hundreds clan members. If you don’t fix this my skill rating will be soon -666!

  18. ok, lots to complain about, lag is still bad, changed browsers etc, no change, lost 1000 votes from avatar and they are hard to work for, today I leveled up at least 12 times in a 6 hour period (certainly less than 24hrs) and still no over achiever 10 level, gifting is stupid set at so low a number when we are encouraged to have over 500 clan, can’t see comments from clan unless I delete them all, can’t see who sent me things or who voted etc, want the pages back!!!!!! Mandy has been stealing blood and giving NOTHING in return, four hours lost waiting again!!!!!!

  19. Ok. we all no the lag problem. we all get fustrated at it it causes hastle . We are all losing, gifts, blood, and favours.
    Here is a suggestion give us all 20 favours as a goodwill jesture, and for seeing in the new Year etc. That would show us that you recognise the problem and show you keenest to keep us playing. So how about it .?

  20. How can we make it more than 24 gift or vamp join request .Its not fair to send gifts to just 24 clan members when you have 60.

  21. Assassin “Anna”, level 195 Modern Vampire. This was the last person to kill me…. before here was a level 249, and a level 173, etc…… until these updates were run I was never being hit by levels this high…..

  22. I have been having an issue for the past 3 days now with combat mode. I am unable to fight anyone within my own level, keep getting levels 124 and higher, not only that, the higher levels are getting my level 71 and under to kill. In just the last 2 days my stats have gone from 3473 to 3200???????? This is unfair and I no longer want to play as I now have no way of increasing my stats….. I just keep getting killed, losing more stats and losing exp points as well. This is no longer any fun.

  23. I realy enjoy vamp wars despite it problems it;s the only game I play.I hope thing s are fixed soon.

  24. I have mean having problems since Oct. not getting the full page can’t do a thing !!!! Would you PLEASE GET this FIXED ALREADY!!!!!

  25. I have lost gifts, energy and blood due to these lags. It sucks big time. You should offer us some skill points or a chance to trade in elder blood for favor points. like 5 elder blood for 1 favorpoint. you do it the other way so why not.

  26. Hi!!! So glad you are working on the lag time and platform problems!
    Always must hit the refresh button to get started. DId not have this problem before the NY missions! Going so nuts over the last couple of items; mainly the blouse; finished tiers and missions and had it reset the 3rd key. Now am having a difficult time sending gifts, voting, doing missions. It is always returning me to the home page. Also lost mission rewards. Please Fix!!!
    Thank You!! So enjoying otherwise!

  27. I cant do missions in the game. It also wont let me buy any minions. I play this game on myspace and have never had these problems. I dont understand why I cant play the game. I went to myspace and it plays fine so I came back to facebook and I still cant play the game.

  28. I am so frustrated with this lag issue. I am not having it in any other game. I don’t even want to play this game any more because I’m sitting there looking at it for waaaayyy too long a time.

  29. Deidra Hatcher Says:

    I can’t even get to the application sometimes and then when I finally do I can’t send gifts or do missions because it wii just go to a black page.

  30. I can get into NY missions, but I couldn’t scroll up or down while on the NY screens, which is exceedingly annoying. Other things I find annoying…

    Mandy: This aspect of the game messes up often, and Mandy uses my blood to pay for her services and doesn’t actually gift me anything

    Akem: There so clearly aren’t 3 random choices you’re picking from, when every single time, you open the box that has the “common” ability

    Avatars: There are not enough avatar options and they aren’t updated frequently enough, there should be a much wider amount of diversity than there is, in terms of body shape, size, and many more outfits/accessories

    Missions with 1% completion per turn?…come on, seriously?

  31. Give me back my skill ranking points. I had 1600+, that can be proven by the abilities I was able to acquire. Then over a period of 24hrs they were gone. This game is veyr addictive and I have considered stopping playing it cos of the loss of the skill ranking points…its not fair. We play hard and then loose things, not under our control. Its just not fair.

  32. I can not send free gift or update my abilities.

  33. I am currently a level 60 something & have 28 clan members. When I go to combat all I get is levels 140 & above,with over 100 in their clan. There is no way I can do that. Now my skill level is down below 1500 & was 1670 something, & that took a long time. It is becoming extremely frustrating. Last Level for combat was 270. Tell me you are kidding. I liked this game because it was difficult, you had to work at it, this is ridiculous. Don’t want to quit, but can’t play like this

  34. Think you’ve got problems? I’m working in Angola, & haven’t been able to open the VW application at all for the past 12 days…. Hence I’m sure I’m getting slaughtered in the game, & have now given up trying to play it. Now I stick to Mafia Wars & Castle Age – they both open OK.

  35. Steve Noxon Says:

    I have not been able to receive gifts in Vampire wars.

  36. I have even more puzzling problem with Vampire Wars. I lose my Favour Points all the time and I haven’t even purchased anything??? I am sure yesterday I had 15 reward points after levelling up and today logging in I only have 5. How’s that possible. If I remember correctly it has happened before, but didn’t report it. I was saving them to purchase blood of Elders but now nothing. Can’t do nothing with those points 😦 Really upset about it.

  37. Steve Grimley Says:

    For me it takes far too long to invite people or send gifts 2 minutes per click is normal, I can’t bring myself to do it anymore.

  38. I have the same the same problem with friends not being able to see what I have posted on my wall, I have checked all my settings in the applicattion, in privacy and my account but nothing works, can anyone give me any ideas please?

  39. I cannot see any of the games that I am playing wall. I can never participate in helping fellow members or collecting bonus’. Is anyone else experiencing that particular problem? Is there a way to get to the page?

  40. Does anyone know what the “Reset Mission Mastery” button is for? What is the purpose?

  41. Hi ! I was looking for a forum that discuss about losing votes. U have a trophy for get onto the over all judgement leaderboard. I was trying hard to get that trophy and make my stats look good but when I visited my number of votes. I lost more than 500 + votes. Is there any chance that I can have it again?

  42. I want to know about NY Avatar…I do 3 part of NY mission complete 12 times!!
    but get NY Avatar only 10 piece from 12

    How much % that random…or now server have a problem with this part?

  43. The Crypt has not worked for me for 3 weeks… I wouldn’t mind getting the achievement for unlockinging it. Fix please.

    Ditto to all other NY/Reindeer issues

  44. I lost 12 favor points during this mess! not going to complain about lost gifts of elder blood..just would like to get my favor points back please

  45. I have lost gifts, regular blood, blood of the Elders, all the time but the most frustrating thing is the favor points. I have lost those for no reason. Because of the problems and all of the delays it is becomming no longer fun to play

  46. I’ve come to conclude that the “lag” is not lag at all but erroneous/unnecessary coding. Here’s why:

    Every time I re-enter the game from the Facebook Home page from a Blood Magic, Brush the Reindeer’s fur, etc. link, the game works perfectly for 3-5 clicks then starts slowing down, eventually ending up in the refresh page screen(after another few clicks).

    Every time I Ctrl-click a link, like the “Send another of the same gift” link, to open a new tab, the new page loads immediately and works fine for 5-10 clicks until it’s again at the refresh page screen.

    Therefore obviously not a latency issue from the client to the server but something is chewing up cpu/server cycles, yes between the Vampire Wars app and Facebook, as your first few graphs seem to point out.

    Work-arounds I have found:

    Once the refresh page screen starts popping up you can pre-click the next few actions(repeat actions). I can usually pre-click 6-7 do mission again links(I space them out a second or so apart, it doesn’t work as well if I spam it), especially in the New York area since the “lag” is so bad in there. So I know there are 22 clicks needed to go from 0% level 1 mastery to 100% level 3 mastery in the first tier, and I think the same in other tiers. The downside is I’m missing out on possible chests. This can also be used on the Do Mission link if it’s a fresh mission. I’ve also used this trick on the Dominate another 10 minions of x type link.

    Ctrl-click new tabs open to clear the “lagginess” away until the app becomes bogged down again, as I mentioned earlier with the vampire santa, send another gift of the same type link.

    Solutions? Have someone that knows facebook app coding look at your app, fresh eyes would be the best. someone working on another one of Zynga’s apps. I’m sure they can figure out the problem.

  47. nosfarthoody Says:

    Well done on getting rid of the annoying popup on the combat page, that page is refreshing a lot faster now!

    This is probably a stupid question, but does Zynga really have to:

    1. post notifications to Facebook? Can’t there be an option to post them on the clan wall by default, and only send FB wall posts to specific friends / friend lists?

    2. Limit the number of minions bought in one go, to 1, 5 or 10? Why not increase the purchase amounts available to 25, 50, 100?

    Granted the API causes a lot of slowdown, but the sheer amount of superfluous graphics, script and page source that gets refreshed every single time you click on any link, can’t be helping.

    You could possibly make use of frames to reduce that – a full-width one for the header section (VW logo, user stats, refill links, timers and so on), a second full-width frame immediately underneath for the button bar which will only change if you go in or out of New York, and a third beneath it for the content.

  48. Is there a way you could fix the “Ask For Help” option for the Vampire Santa Jobs? I click on it and it shows me “Your mission request has been sent out to your Clan. Check back often to see the results.” but I get no pop-up to post to my Wall and when I check the News Feed I do not see any request for help I made. Is this something you guys are aware of? If not could you fix it please. I am still on the first job with only 30% complete. At this rate I’m doomed to think I’ll get to lvl 3 100%. I would appreciate it if you sent me a PM to my FB profile with an answer please.

  49. I have had a half frozen picture come up everytime i load. it does not go to game. been trying since saturday

  50. Sending gifts really sucks. It looks like and infinite lag.

  51. canot send invites to my friends…

  52. My issue is NO one has responded to what happens if you complete mission tier 4 of NY get your flames of liberty and then press reset do you lose it or can you gain the additional 9-10 new abilities again without consequence of losing the ones you already gained including the final one which i have? Please help.

  53. Hy
    I brought the Cloud the Sun ability, and for now an i dont se my combat result….

  54. tl;dr all the posts above me, so forgive me if this has been repeated.

    I would be extremely thankful if you extended the time for the New York Event even by one day. The lag has been keeping me out of several applications, including Vampire Wars. Sometimes it didn’t even load!
    (Plus I was without an Internet connection for a couple of days, but that is my problem, not yours.)

  55. when accepting gifts, I make sure that I go and play the game first, so that all front screens such as NY or the reindeer have come up. I’ve played a few missions etc. THEN I go back to my FB profile/wall and collect the gifts. Usually, one by one, to make sure they go in. This has helped a lot. I still lose some on the way. For some reason (and this could be to do with the recent FB update), nobody can see whatever I post on my wall (no chest, no requests for help with a mission, moving up bonus etc) – I’ve checked all settings in privacy and application.. no answer there.

  56. Clearbrook Says:

    Why did gifting go from 40 to 20? I have so many to catch up on since gifting has been broken, that it will take even more time to do it. Please give us back out 40

  57. I’ve had troubles with the Blood Magic as well. I spin the wheel and it gives me nothing! so sad…

  58. Glad to see that some people can see past just the woe is me of it all. agrees with posts #99 and #105. PS: the most trouble I’ve had with lag was posting this message off my mobile. and I play at midnight. which means at the same time as most other people.


  60. Glad to see that some people can see past just the woe is me of it all. agrees with posts #99 and #105

  61. Will you get rid of some of the TRY Refreshing that is showing up everytime you try to do something? That is really annoying especially when you have to judge your clan members one by one to vote them tasty, tempting, or toxic whichever they require for the game. I got it over 300 times the other nite

  62. Lots of time when I log onto vampire wars to play it, the judgement for ea player’ vampires has a long delayed reaction time once I click the button, maybe it has a bug or maybe its my computer. Just wanted to let u guys know.

  63. I am ready to give up on Vampire Wars as I can’t get things to post, I lose gifts, and can’t get anything done under 2-3 minutes. The wheel going around has lost me combat – I get hit and can’t do a damn thing about it because the wheel keeps spinning. It just sucks

  64. i’ve lost blood of elders gifts loads of times. getting really fed up with it. how are we supposed to advance when game keeps nicking important gifts?

  65. Unfortunately, I’ve lost loot items, gift items because the screen doesn’t refresh correctly.

    I hope Zynga fixes all the said above issues quickly.

  66. I can’t get help with reindeer…Can’t get level up bonus…Screen keeps turning white and can’t gift in under an hour….I play constantly and I am ready to give up…Please fix these things or many will quit

  67. Instead of tracking the problems why not just fix them….

    This is a great game which is rapidly becoming unplayable due to the many issues which arnt being fixed…

  68. Rhonda Gratkowski Says:

    i LOVE this game but… lately it has been very difficult playing it… without having enormous issues… i have lost so many gifts when i have tried to retrieve them… yet i continue to play the game… the refreshing issues could drive a sane person crazy… then when it comes to voting for your clan members… those of us that have large clans spend valuable game time voting for them…. and im talking hours instead of minutes… these problems are starting to drive daily players bonkers… can we have some sort of solution for this… having a button that would enable you to vote all online clan members TASTY would help… the programmers have given us new missions… can’t they give us this also???

  69. You do notice that the “blue line” that you are somehow hoping will go down isn’t significantly different from the “orange line” that indicates the lag the day before, right? That’s because the lag is a bit worse this morning, but this problem has been going on for at least 9-10 days and getting worse by the day. Glad you finally noticed. 😛

    • Please reference the earlier post titled “Facebook App Lag”. This problem has been going on for a bit over a month and we’ve been tracking it ever since.

      • Yes, I will grant that the application (and possibly all FaceBook apps) began to experience performance “hiccups” within the last month, but as someone that used to (before the last week) play multiple times daily, I will swear to you that the dramatic increase in lag (constant “Try Refreshing?” messages, pages failing to load, partial page loads) began for Vampire Wars immediately after the maintenance downtime on Friday, the 18th of December. The problems became VERY noticably worse that day and have become steadily worse every day since then.

      • For what it’s worth, from about 1600 – about 1630 CST, the game was almost running normally (better than it has in over a week). Still a rare glitch, but 99% of all pages loaded fine and reasonably quickly. Now it’s back to acting like it was last night. I’m not sure if any of this helps, but I guess I figure that any feedback can’t hurt.

  70. and please dont let level 100, 200, 500, and higher vampire to atack level 80 vampire:

    if I may attack them they may attack me.
    this a little not just according to me…

  71. Will have to second (third, fourth – whatever) an extension on the NY stuff as a request. Between missing the collector, and a few friends who are surprised I never got their gifts of Blood – there is no way I will be able to finish….

  72. Lag just cost me my Blood of the elders from the collector. I have been getting the refresh emblem after everything I click. It takes forever to combat or do missions. I end up quitting. Stats are going down because I don’t have enough time to sit here Refreshing all day.

  73. when will it be fixed it’s taken me 45mins just to collect my blood if i lose it i wont be happy, i’m so over the “try refreshing” bit .

  74. If you think about it, the reason people are having a longer lag time is that all of the kids are on vacation, so instead of having a large population of the people who play this game in school they are at home trying to play at the same time as everyone else.

  75. This New York missions is making it more interesting. Plus the increase of Job Mastery. But w/this down time – some retribution has to be considered for us players to continue on.

  76. can’t log in, on the off chance I can get in, “try refresh” screen comes up every time I click, I’m sure I have lost elder blood from collector because I can’t get to him, & third tier in new york missions remains locked because everyday I come back the date for unlocking is the following day. ???

  77. I too have lost a couple of gifts of blood due to having trouble getting into the game. Hard to do the missiond when you can’t get the stuff to do them.

  78. the page wont load , i experience trouble with akem crypt till 4 month now it dont work , my santas reindeer couldnt be brush cause the post for help dont work (its work only the first time and after none … ) does these problems will be solves or only few of them can be resolve ? thx and regards

  79. I lost gifts and surely missed the time I had to collect my blood of the elders! Fix the problem asap and I would appreciate being given some BOE and elongating the time to complete NY missions. Plus I was returning to main page (coffin) every time I tried to do anything else, it is frustrating. If VW continues to be like that I suppose I’ll leave it..

  80. Honest Tech Says:

    So let me get this straight. I get to play a game for free. Interact with my friends and compete for levels. Zyga doesn’t charge me for the development time, the use of the game, or hosting. Hmm I think I can get over the glitches. I mean really…I do have a life with other things which require my time.

  81. I am fed up with vampire wars now – i’ve lost over 300 judging points, cant do missions and keep getting killed. Everytime I try and get onto vampire wars al I get is a blank page – very frustrating – don’t get me started on the reindeer

  82. Please fix it and you should add more time to the New York Missions and give everyone free blood of elders since we cannot access the Collector and will lose our Blood of Elders that we paid for. Please fix. You also have a problem with Farmville today, all my neighbors are gone. What’s up with Zynga? You need to fix your games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  83. It’s not much fun to play a game with the kind of troubles we’re having today.

  84. This game has turned into an endurance test, refreshing every turn, being thrown out of missions, unable to post chat. Takes me 2 hrs. to just judge the feed, and is getting boringgggg to play like this. It’s a really cool game. Hope you can fix it so it’s enjoyable to play again. I’m ready to can it, like I had to do with Farmville. Just too slow.

  85. I have been having some lag time, but at this point I’m staring at white screens. I’ve now probably lost all my Blood of the Elders I paid for that I was hoping to get home in time to receive. Can we somehow be gifted Blood of the Elders for having to deal with this? Other than that, I love the game so thanks for keeping us updated. Thanks. :]

  86. I lost over 45 million blood. I did a bunch of missions and all, and when I clicked to do a mission again, everything reverted to when I first logged on Vampire Wars today. Of course my Energy didn’t..it was like I did Missions, but didn’t get any blood.

  87. there have been a lot of problems lately , i dont get gifts , just a blank screen , & as a result i may not b able to finish the new york missions, my wifehas the same trouble, its happening on other games to , not just this 1

  88. Cant even get page to come up!!!!

  89. There are ongoing issues with mafia and vampire wars.. Stop developing new games till you people learn to handle the already existing games!!

  90. very bad at mo losing health, blood ,gifts and energy.Please hurry and fix this ,you should also repay all that have missed items because of this!!!

  91. Same story here. Have lost time, gifts, BOE, etc. trying to play VW. I hope you’ll extend the time on NY missions. Also, not able to loot caches or retrieve caches my friends have posted. Btw, having to return to the main “coffin” page every time I level up or get a cache is very frustrating. I’ve lost caches because of this. Thanks.

  92. Gwenn Wilmoth Says:

    Yeah, I lodt my Blood of Elders two times now…NOT FAIR!!

  93. Gwenn Wilmoth Says:

    Does that mean Mandy will be extra nice to us?? Its kinda hard to play and finish New York when your down!!

  94. then you should extend the time on the new missions. i havent been able to collect blood for 2 days. and they took my new york shoes back! boo hoo! cant complete the missions without being able to hire the collecter!

  95. Martyn Arnett Says:

    Cant believe all the problems this game has! We better be getting time added on to New York Mission as we cant play it in the time you have given us!!!!

  96. I`d like to know if those of us who were waiting to get Blood of the Elders from the Collector are going to be reimbursed if it`s lost due to this lag time/problem that is occurring on Facebook. Also, what about possibly losing a day in New York, collecting blood from our minions, or a chance to feed Vampire Santa`s reindeer? How are those issues going to be resolved? Thanks for your time and consideration.

  97. It’s really frustrating: we’ve been experiencing this for a while. Some friends have stopped playing. How ’bout giving some extra elder blood since I can’t send/receive it from clan members … and when I ask clan members for help with the reindeer, the screen blinks blandly – nothing happens.

  98. Hi!!!

    I have been experiencing that for months, I can’t do nothing about it and I feel some burriend, please fix this.

  99. Glad to see your addressing this issue. It’s getting very frustrating trying to complete NY missions when every time I try to aaccess the portal it sends me back to the home page. Also I copleted the 3rd mission on 2nd mission teir was awarded a skill point, used BOE and energy, when I exited to stats to apply it it was gone and so was mission completion, thou the timer keeps counting down, now have to do it all over again. PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS!!!!!

  100. Facebook took over twenty minutes to log me in to Vampire wars, by the time I got in I had lost the 15 phials of Blood of the Elders I had paid for.
    not happy 😦

  101. and now it’s completly down :-(((((((

  102. Uurh white screens of doom is what that blue line means , no vamp wars uuurh.

  103. will anything be published on facebook, i dont check my e-mail very often. ever since i’ve been playing vampire wars, i get kicked to some place else instead of either doing missions or combat, i can handle that but i was in the middle of trying to do missions, would not let me get the stuff i won or send reward to friends, now the game wont load, please fix it so i can play.

  104. can not give any gifts…

  105. yeah I’m having the same issues – ratty reindeer – losing blood cuz can’t get to the collector – disappearing gifts – broken links – totally fustrated

  106. hi i find that it is a great game but it takes such a long time to build up points to complete missions… mafia wars is reat fun as you build fast.

  107. I have also been unable to receive the bonus’s when clan mates level up or other bonus’s. I also could not email you about the problem

  108. This lag has been happening since the introduction of the NY tier. Or at least it became extremely pronounced at that time. The NY tier missions actually roll back play. About an hour ago, I was playing, slowly due to the lag, and really strange stuff happened. I had allocated 10 skill points, picked up a 100 wisdom buff, spun the wheel and got a lilith, and did a bunch of Stalker missions to burn energy when the game froze. When VW came back, my experience was set to zero, my energy level was at the level I initially logged in at. The skill points I had allocated were back waiting to be reallocated, the 100 wisdom was gone, and my spin was reset. Also, we on Facebook can no longer navigate through our VW comments. I find it difficult to swallow that all of these problems are due to Facebooks API Response time issues.

  109. What will happen with my blood collection it is due will i lose it all ? also why am i unable to open the box in the crypt i go regularly this has bee happening for a few weeks now

  110. Not gifting, posts for reindeer help don’t work & now once again can’t get on the app

  111. arggggggggggg this is mental, my game is being ruined!
    i know its not zyngas fault but its so maddening!

  112. Vampire Wars is constantly freezing up if I can even get it to come up. It has been doing this for about a week now. Do we know when it might get fixed?

  113. mark venhaus Says:

    i have been having problems for 1-2 weeks now with the game going backwards it has undone lots of stuff i do and have to go back and do it again. this is horrable almost making the game unplayable and really sucking the fun out of vampire wars. that and for the vampire reindeer new quest i can;t post for it all or to have people pet the reindeer

  114. not good enough – just treated myself to elders points today but what was the point!!

  115. I’m finding that the game is often not loading at all. Is a fix for this in the works?


  117. please fix this the lack is awful and i love vampire wars. It is fun to play. Do what you can but it sucks for fan like me who want to play it more and can’t do anything.


  119. Not gonna help with the blood I’m gonna miss collecting!

  120. Julie Knudsen Says:

    Can’t get on at all!

  121. What will happen to our elders blood that is waiting for us to pick up after 12hrs..will we lose it since we can’t access it?

  122. Marjorie Geri Says:

    So what happens if we loose items needed to complete the special Xmas games?The draws for elder blood are timed and now we’re unable to even get the page up all we get is a blank page. Maybe you can figure out an extension or something.

  123. Perhaps you will fix the vampire Santa mission as well. I haven’t been able to ask my clan for help with it since you guys put it in the game. This is very frustrating because which item you get depends on how well you master the job. Thank You for your time:

    Jay Ashmore

  124. absolute nightmare !!!!!!!!! every time u do something its ” try refreshing ” then takes u back 2 the page u were on b4…….not only that but it takes your energy but does’nt do anything

  125. I not only have a lag/ downtime issue…it hasn’t let me reap the rewards for clan-mates levelling up or getting a trophy. 😦 Makes me feel like a leper, it does.

  126. Lets get this up and running right it is to good of a game not to be working right help help help

  127. I am loosing all of my blood missions combats because of the page locking up are not showing up I do not think this is right since there are time limits on the Santa and on the New York the other ones can be worked later because there is no time limit I love this game but to day being home sick I was trying to do this to make me feel better and it is cause me to be more flustraed I am not getting hardly anything but a blank page when I log out and back in please help with this

  128. Are we going to be able to get extra time to do the NY missions? I have had trouble completing them and I lost some of my blood of the elders too.

  129. i am experiencing a white screen similar to mafia wars last week can i be helped and is this the same issue on this blog

  130. I hope this will get us some extra time completing the limited edition missions and events. This has been really frustrating. =/

  131. I would like to know where my positive votes have gone?? Last night I had 10999……today I have 9369!!! This is not right…we work very hard at advancing in this game and the bugs in it are ridiculous!!!

    • linda giacometti Says:

      That is a question I was wondering about as well. My clan and I need those votes for refills and earning our trophies. Give us our votes back, Zynga!

  132. OK, so where do I go to play that’s NOT on Facebook…?

    • well there is my space, but guess what, the lag is the same and the issues are the same, lost votes, gifts, points, no postings, try refreshing, mandy stealing blood, you name the problem – it’s there as well.

  133. I play 90% of Zanga games and ALL OF THEM have been laging for weeks. And now yours in unplayable!!!!! don’t just sit there and hope the traffic goes down You fucking morrons.Get off your ass and do something about it…

    Sincerely one pissed of Zanga Player

  134. Frances Lawton Says:

    Vampire Wars won’t even load (and cannot accept gifts at all) – hopefully dedicated players will receive extensions on any of the missions that will expire soon and any gifts that people send can be accepted without being informed that the request is too old.

  135. Are we going to be given more time to complete our missions on vw due to the lag??

  136. It’s not just vampire wars it’s all of zyngas games.

  137. That latency problem is getting really annoying. I’ve lost count of how many times I lost mission special items (including blood of the elders) and how many times I repeated again a mission (to take the same mastery level) or an ability upgrade because of it (Site updated and turned to “news frame” without new information).

  138. Chris Snyder Says:

    Seems to be a general FB latency issue. Many other apps experiencing heavy delays. Probably increased user activity as more people have time off for the holiday.

  139. is my new york mission time going to suffer? because it’s been so hard to try and do the missions. it keeps asking to refresh.

  140. I can’t get Vampire Wars to load up at all on Facebook. Nothing comes up when I click on the Icon/bookmark. It was there this morning until around 12:30 PM and now nothing loads up at all. Don’t know what to do or how to fix it to come up. Needed to get in to collect Blood of Elders from the Collector but I am sure it is past time now.

  141. se queda bloqueado, no da la energía de los bonus, no funciona nada bien!!!!

    Estoy harta!!!!

  142. running slower than a snail across hot concrete. will not refresh.

  143. Have to refresh alot ..

  144. I have also been having trouble getting on vamp wars. It goes to a blank page some of the time when I try to get on.

  145. I cannot even get to Vampire Wars at this time. It seems like everytime something new is added (ie: Hoilday specials) the game gets so bad players can’t even play the normal game, much less participate in the specials! I am sick of getting so far in the specials and then the game screws up and I can’t complete it. It not fair that everyone doesn’t get the chance to acquire the new (Limited Edition) & Epic abilities, and get the chance to win 500 or 1000 favor points. Please, please, PLEASE fix this problem, BEFORE the NY event is over. If you can’t fix it before then, extend the event to give us a fighting chance.

  146. I was trying to log back in to get my blood of elders from the collector but the site wouldn’t let me into New York then when I did get in it was too late. Anything that can be done to get that option back??

  147. The game has become more of a pain to play than something relaxing, You click and wait, refresh and wait, now you are back where you started, so you try again, now refresh again now wait. 20 minutes goes by and it tells you to try refreshing. give me a break PLEASE! IT’S NOT FUN ANYMORE!

  148. almost impossible to play. hours of game lost this morn… why?

  149. so the blood i have to collect at the collector within minutes is gone ? 😦

  150. this really sucks i hope it starts to work again

  151. Thank you for the post. Will this problem fix other things like being taken to the wrong pages, getting white pages, judging votes and other things dissapearing names dissapearing mandy’s spins not appearing and endless other problems. Is it a server problem??? Please fix. Thank you for “listening” to me vent :-))) All the best for Christmas Sal.

  152. I dont consider not being able to load at all, a time lag. for 20 minutes I only get white pages

  153. Total rubbish. Keeps refreshing-etc.. You know the faults I dont need to repeat what 1 million other users are saying.
    I am loosing vaulable blood and time that is required to do time stamped mission. Give me my blood back and give us the last two days we have lost.

    • Too much time lost, as well as losing Blood of the Elders. I will simply quit playing unless a viable alternative is offered. Replace the blood and our time we have all lost over this last day or two.

  154. Also the gifts are disappearing from the time you accept them to when you get to the game!

  155. Glynn Baldwin Says:

    So… who else is getting really pigged off with the speed and game play? I can’t pick up chests, wait for hours while the revolver goes round asking me to refresh…. get a grip guys, I wasn’t broke, so don’t fix it, just let me play!!!!

    I was trying to publish this as a clan shout… couldn’t. try killing all the flashy graphics and get back to the game we like, nice and simple.

  156. You encourage us to add as many friends as possible up to 500. You should be prepared to handle the growth and spikes in traffic.
    Thank you.

  157. I have not been able to post “Brush Santa’s Reindeer” requests to my wall. I will ultimately not be able to get the special reward that I have been attempting to get. I do know that other people are having the same problem. Is there any effort on tech’s part to resolve this problem? It has been very frustrating, especially on timed missions, and now with this lag time problem, it is virtually impossible. Thanks for listening.

  158. Everything is desperately long…. Every simple request requires long minutes of waiting….
    I don’t know what’s happening, but it’s really boring…

    Hope you’ll correct that quickly…


  159. Cheryl Stradford Says:

    I have lost 2 gift becaust of thise problem.

  160. good luck with any issues fellas!

  161. i can not enter vampire wars

  162. hi,

    i feel really sad that reindeer mission post is not getting publishd for me
    so kindly help with this
    ur work in VW is great especially newyork missions
    keep up the good work

  163. Yesterday I had 10 favor points I have been saving them, I didn’t use them on anything, so can’t figure where they went is there any way I can get them back. thanks for any help you can give.

    • Yes I have lost favor points too. I was saving for Demonic Wings and need just about 4 more FP then the next day I had 21 FP!! Then just today I had 43 and now it says I have 35!!! Those things are hard to get!!! And some in my clan have lost FP today too! I get the reindeer brushing thing not posting. Just like when you go into regular mission and there’s a help button DON’T click it go to your reindeer and click the help button their. The post apears about every 2 days. But please give a little heads up on that!! Everyone is going crazy about that not posting!!!

  164. This is really bad, but not as bad as it is for me, i always lag so badly on Vampire Wars and i only have the Facebook page running, so i dont understand why its so laggy. ;o(

  165. It sure would be nice to get extra time to complete the special missions being that we’re unable to play right now. I don’t even want to log in because when I do, I’m a sitting duck for attack. I can’t fight, can’t vote, can’t do missions, can’t accept or send gifts. It’s never been this bad…been getting steadily worse for weeks, but this is far and away the worst it’s been…especially since instituting all the new privacy crap. I can no longer page through my comments, and it takes forever to delete them so I can see older ones. Not even worth it.

  166. the game is not loading.it is going too white screen or loss of conectoin.

  167. Sia Kahleah Says:

    Since I have been playing this (very addictive) game on Facebook, I have been very disappointed. It feels as if this problem has been here since the beginning and there is nothing that has been done about it. I am glad to see notice, but would be more thrilled when I see results.

  168. The downtime has been going on for days. I finished all three levels of the second NY mission tier, and didn’t even get a mention, due to that stupid refresh option. If you’re going to offer a refresh, you should refresh the page the person is on, not throw them out of the NY area completely.

  169. Well isn’t this nice, another problem…..I sent a Storm Rage to a fellow clan member and they didn’t get it. How about you “fix” that too.

  170. I cannot get in to this part of the game at all and Vampire Wars is running very slowing and many pages not loading correctly on the main part of the game and also the New York section sometimes cannot even get into the game. I go in via Face Book

  171. Tina Moresco Says:

    My Reindeer Help jobs haven’t been posting at ALL…….So I have had no help to finish these and jobs can only be done every 24 hours….I haven’t made it to brushing yet…How will I ever get these jobs done if I am having these issues????? WHAT happened to the Crypt???? Is it ever going to work again??????

  172. I was trying to get my Blood of The Elders and it did not give me the five that was sent to me. Cheated out of it

  173. David Knight Says:

    what other versions are there apart from facebook?

  174. Lorraine Hamamock Says:

    Yes why when I push the ask for help button under Vampire Santa does it not EVER ask for my reindeer to be brushed. I mean NEVER. The very first time it did. Then after that, nothing. Thank you.

  175. I lost blood of elders recv’d as gift

    • Me too. Many Many times I lost the gifts I received

    • Can’t do ANYTHING! Lost 25 Blood of Elders that I paid for, and can’t get it back. Can’t do missions, or jobs. NOT GOOD!

    • Debbie Bettis Sneed Says:

      I lost gifts sent to me too. Then I couldn’t get into Vampire War and the Blood Collector had taken 50,000 blood. It’s also not right for you the require 2 shadow transformations when those are from Akem, then not let us have access to Akem. For those of us “lower level” players, it’s another road block to keep us from continuing to play the game.

      • Gilles Hebert Says:

        You`re absolutely right it should be taken off

      • I totally agree wif u i stuck w/o 2 shadow transformations…

      • MetaLisa Bloodmoon Says:

        I’ve lost gifts, STILL haven’t won a second Shadow Transformation, and have maxed out all the other missions at that level. The game is becoming more of a frusteration than a fun activity — am still trying to decide whether it’s worth the time and efforts. I stopped using the collector, as he would take my blood and run rather than paying! Hmmmmmm. . . .

      • You can get it from some quests randomly thats how i got my 2 shadow transformations.

  176. fix the lag and put more gift each day

    • How bout offering us some bonuses of some kind – If we can’t get into the portal – we standing no chance of completing New York missions in time. And the fact that the Blood Collector won’t pay out when u have got the amount of blood required in the allocated time sucks! Love the game otherwise

      • Gilles Hebert Says:

        It does sucks ,i just try to get in the portal it was locked ,and there still 14 days to go, what the heck is going on i bet they won`t give you any more time to do the jobs or elderly blood to complete your missions in time.

      • I know! It’s so frustrating to have your friends attempting to send you blood to help out only to lose it when trying to claim it. Also, isn’t really fair to the lower levels who don’t have more of a chance to get the abilities and the outfits. It makes the game seem that much less appealing. The already well off vamps get better while the lower ones struggle. Speaking about the outifts, I’ve been doing the missions as much as possible and only have two of the twelve items. I don’t know if there’s a glitch or something, but I do a decent number of missions a day. Also, when I load vamps, sometimes the layout comes up funky and won’t work. I have to refresh it every couple of minutes. Now about the reindeer. I didn’t even no there’s another part after you nurse it back to health and I’m not even close to finishing that. I’m only about half way. I could probably get more of it done if it wasn’t only once every 24 hours. I, and probably most other players, would very much appreciate these problems getting fixed and having more time to complete the New York and Santa missions.

      • totally agreed with Lesley

    • Just finished with all New York Missions…got the Flames of Liberty…now…where is my new background and the rest of the avatar items??????????

  177. I have been experiencing that for months,I quit even trying to send gifts.

    • On my site it also lags since weeks.
      It’s almost impossible for me to send gifts and absolutely impossible to invite people. It would take hours and I only have one life.

    • i don’t see how people can send gifts to select people. To send to the first 24 people takes me about 30-45 seconds per click and to get a reaction, so to actually go through the list finding people gifting me would take hours. for me the gift section effectively does not exist and has not for a LONG time

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