Vampire Santa’s Reindeer

When he’s not giving out Pyrokinesis, Vampire Santa maintains a pretty impressive group of Vampire Reindeer.

The only problem is, when it gets close to “that time of the year” , he’s got better things to do.

That’s why it’s fallen to our community of Vamps to make sure his Reindeer are fed and groomed properly in preparation for the “Big Night”!

Logging in today, you’ll see the following on your main page:
Promo Box Image

Clicking on the link provided will take you to the Reindeer Event Screen. Or, if you’re feeling a little deviant, you can go to the Elders tab directly.

Once you’re there, you’ll be presented with this screen:

He looks a little skinny now but with your help, he’ll get some meat on his bones. You can only feed him once a day and since he’s not exactly your run-of-the-mill Reindeer, his diet is a bit…unique.

Reindeer Food will drop from normal missions; it’s a good idea to stockpile as much as you can.

Each time you feed the Reindeer it will gain a Mission Mastery %.

Facebook players can post a feed to their wall asking for help from clan-mates. (Update: The “ask for help” feature uses the same timer as “Social Fights”. So, if you’ve already asked for help with missions, you will be unable to ask for help to feed your Reindeer.)

Five clan-mates a day can help, adding 2% each, totaling an additional 10% per day.

Myspace Players: There is an error in the in-game event description that states that you can ask your friends for help feeding the Reindeer. Due to platform restrictions we were unable to implement this feature for Myspace players. Instead the % gained each time you feed the Reindeer is increased.

As a reward for feeding the Reindeer you can win the three types of Army of Snow.

Army of Snow

The more you feed the Reindeer before the event ends, the better the version of Army of Snow you can get.

If you complete the mission, you’ll get all three versions! (For reference, Superior Army of Snow is a 65 atk/65 def Movement Ability.)


Q: I am not seeing my clan’s requests for help with my Reindeer. Why?

A: Clan requests can be seen in your Combat Feed.

Q: How come the “Ask For Help” button doesn’t work?

A: The “Ask For Help” feature is on a 48 hour timer. So, from the first time you use the feature, you have to wait two full days before you can use it again.

Q: When does the event end?

A: January 6th, 2010.

Q: If I only master part of the mission, will I still win something?

A: Yes, you are rewarded for all stages of completion above 1%. Of course, you win big with a 100% completion. If you complete 100% of the mission, you’ll receive all three abilities.

[1%-50%: Army of Snow] [51% – 99% Greater Army of Snow] [100% – Superior Army of Snow]

Q: If none of my friends help me, can I still win?

A: Yes, but you must feed the Reindeer at least once a day.

Q: Does this event somehow tie-in to the NY Event?

A: No, not at all.

Q: How often can I do the mission?

A: You can only do the mission once a day, till the end of the event.

Q: Once I complete the mission, can I reset it?

A: No, this is a one time only mission.

We hope you enjoy the event, Vamps. Please leave any further questions you may have in the comments section below and we’ll add to our Q&A.

[Feed the Reindeer on Facebook] [Feed the Reindeer on Myspace]

199 Responses to “Vampire Santa’s Reindeer”

  1. I got 100% on Santa’s Reindeer and ‘won’ the army of snow award. However, a few days later I looked at it again (after it was closed) and it said I had only done 99% and got some lame award! WTF? I still have the original post w/the good award…can Zynga remedy this??

  2. Crypt locks WON”T open…..HELP

  3. Gaz Stevenson Says:

    I have tried to claim my prize but can’t as I don’t have enough reindeer food and can’t get any more. If I’d know I would need it I would have kept some back.

  4. Next time give us more time to finish all the episodes. Especially when you need specials like food an a lof of xp. As a starter you can’t go as far as you would like.

  5. Yeah so for some reason my previous post didnt even go approved for posting. It is so unfair that even with my friends help the marker wont move from 99%, even today i got some announcements saying i got help from my friends and previous to that while i was at 99% even with my friends help it wouldnt move as i stated before. I guess you guys are too busy to actually take a look at this things.

  6. Hi, i seem to be having a problem with the reindeer mission. My friends have been helping me and i got to do clikc on the do mission button today, but i seem to be stuck at 99%. My friens told me they clicked the help post i made but it did nothing i am still stuck at 99%.

  7. WHY DID YOU CLOSE SANTAS REINDEER EARLY??????? By my timer we had until Dec 6 11:59 pm to finish. YOU CLOSED IT A 7:00 PM!!! THAT IS JUST PLAIN WRONG!! I know that all you people are only interested in making money, but you would think you would have a little compassion for your players!!! When you have MAJOR problems with a game, add a day!!! You people need to read the book “How to make friends and influence people” Not the one on “How to take all of their money”. The ONLY consulation that I have is I have NEVER spent one penny on your stupid game!!! Right now I am NOT a very happy camper. I am not sure if I will EVER play this game again. BUT, I don’t think you really care as long as you have enough PAYING PLAYERS.

  8. The latency passed from 1 to 5… 8( I do not understand anything any more, the play ended soon and the help does not function. The messege is displayed but at the time of validated that does not function 😦 (sorry for my english i’m french)

  9. My biggest question here is….how have some people managed to get 2 or 3 sets of the Army of Snow? Not Army, Better Army, Superior Army, but multiple *sets* of three?? Also, what am I supposed to do with 4000+ bowls of reindeer food?? Gosh.

  10. Hi !
    First of all, thanks for this great game, I really enjoy it 🙂
    However, I’d like to talk about something :
    You open the reindeer misson during the exact number of days needed to complete it without help. OK.
    BUT : I’d like to remind you that at the end of the year, there are two great occasions to see family and friends. And generally, this is NOT compatible with being around a computer every day.
    Because you know, we are not all geeks, and we have a social life, and missing two or three days is possible, and then it becomes totally impossible to complete the mission.
    Moreover, a few members of my clan helped me, but I’ve never seen the additional 2%.

    All of this makes me a little disappointed

  11. What to do with all the raindeer food when you can’t reset??!

  12. nosfarthoody Says:

    I asked clan for assistance for the first time in 72 hours, left facebook logged in for another 15 hours, came back… and I still have no more % complete than I did when I first logged in. It’s been consistently like this throughout the competition – I’ve brushed plenty but it’s not been reciprocated. So, what are the chances of me getting another 30% in the next 48 hours in order to hit the 100%?!

  13. Each time I try to help with a reindeer task, it keeps saying I’m not friends with the person I’m helping when I AM friends with them and we do show up in each others’ clans…Please fix…Thank you.

  14. Linda Peterson Says:

    Am I the only one who is not finding reindeer food? The energy requirered in stalker missions is high and its killing me. It takes days for food to drop. Any help with this? Am I doing the wrong missions? Any advice would be great. Thanks

  15. you say the reindeer % rises each time we feed well it dont we will be luck to even master that b4 the deadline let alone im guessing 3 times to get the 3 abilities. So a big waste of time and energy

    • that is on myspace not sure about the facebook but others cant help we get 6% at a time and doesnt increase everytime like they say or seems like they say it does so yes a waste

  16. I also can’t post help feed the reindeer . The Christmas Mission isn’t going to reward everyday players very well. I wait for the minutes to go by to feed reindeer on time yet none of my clannies get the post to help me.

  17. What happened to reindeer food??? Plenty at first with missions but none now! Come on. Do you just want every one to BUY points to refill energy????? Give us a break! Tis the season? I don’t think so.

  18. I am at 55% completion for feeding my reindeer but I never got my Snow Army for completing 50%. Can someone fix this for me, thanks

  19. I am in 71 percent and i don’t received anything. What happened ?

  20. I had the same problem before but my clanmates helped me – and now it´s O.K. When doing normal or N.Y. missions NEVER use ASK FRIEND FOR HELP button, keep it for the reindeer! The best when you are feeding him. I think it appears every 48 hours. I can post whithou problems with this little help last days and my mates as well. Hope will help to all of you.

  21. I have a different question than those above:

    I have completed the reeinder mission, but I’m still getting reeindeer food, (about 370 units so far and growing). What am I going to do with the not-needed-anymore reeinder food? Is there going to be another mission to use them? .. because mission items cannot be gifted like other items…


  22. I see I am not the only one having this problem!I have gotten the brush reindeer to post twice so far!I can’t read my comments page and Akem’s Manah is not happening!

  23. Can we get some cheese with all these whines?!?!?!?! This GAME only allows you one clan help request for regular missions & New York per 24 hours, if you think you can ALSO ask for help with your reindeer in the same time period, YOU ARE WRONG! The only request you should make until you complete this mission is reindeer help.
    The abilities……….I didn’t receive any of my snow abilities until I had completed the mission. I assume you will get your abilities then or when the mission ends.
    Reindeer help IS posted on the combat feed, but only to a few clannies, NOT all of your clan. So if you have clannies who only play for themselves, you’re gonna get screwed. If you get the published help request, it goes to the wall.
    I have way over 500 clannies and part of them will be de-clanned as I see them NOT assisting their clanmates with help of any sort. The goal is to create and maintain a strong clan, NOT who can suck up all the clan’s resources to become the biggest, baddest vamp.
    How many of you actually copy and pasted this site to your clan feed? Or answered any questions they posed about this mission?
    Better yet, how many of you actually read and use the clan feed?!?!?!?!
    Bring on the cheese!

  24. I have only been able to post my reindeer 2 times .. it really sucks lol also when vampire santa was put in I lost over 5000 votes which really made me mad until I heard that alot of my clan lost votes also … so do we get our votes out??

  25. My reindeer mission is currently at 99%! Another 21 hours and it’ll be 100%! Thanx to my wonderful clannies :D.

    My problem is that, i don’t see any of the abilities (Army of Snow + Greater Army of Snow) on my Offensive/Defensive/Movement tabs :(.

    Do i have to reach 100% in order to get all 3 abilities?

    Hope someone looks into this ASAP!

  26. I STILL cannot post for help with my reindeer! Not once has it worked correctly for me since it started! Highly annoying, Vampire Wares/ZYNGA… I’ve been doing the job once daily, but since it gives you very minimal mastery % each time, it looks like I’ll never get to 100% before the event goes away. Very bad form!

  27. It won’t post to my wall either.

  28. I would like the reindeer site to work to. I also can’t post it. I think it might have worked once in the beginning. A lot of people I play with can’t post it either.

  29. Vein Shadowed Says:

    hi this sucks i allrady hawe mission mastered to 54% and i did not received any of the army of snow ability could you pls take a look at my character name Vein and profile name at facebook is Vein Shadowed

    thx a lot

  30. ok, so I post at mission 96% completion today, first responder takes me to 98% second to 99% and next 3 leave me at 99% ??? Also I have not received army of snow or greater army of snow for competing first 2 stages of mission. Anyone else seeing this?

  31. I lose my skill points by two ,and when i try to do my skill pointI loose rage and experinece points and it doesnt then it says refresh then i get a blank space and it turns back to the news page. I cant get to go to the gambler to unlock the chest only once in awhile , it takes to long to get rage and energy ,it was fun but now it really sucks I quit for a week, thats why I was killed so many times I didnt care and my gifts are the same I dont get them so we should be reinburst for our time on this damn game!I’m going to give it one more week and if its not fix then I Quit for good.


  33. (HW) Countess Asema Says:

    Still can’t post for reindeer help. I hope we see a fix for this soon.

  34. Everyone needs to go to the Reindeer mission and click on the ask for help in the mission box. Your request will post to the Combat section of the comments on the News page and you can click their post and you help with the Reindeer mission. This is how you get further in the mission. My percentage is going up without me doing anything but helping the ones that post to the Combat page. Thanks.

  35. getting sick staying up 20 hours still not posting reindeer when it sadis it was sent out. people sending tasties for refill not going threw. still at 51%. feending it with slow movement. Haven’t gone to second phase yet still the first. others posting two times a day while others not posting. why do I make an effert to brush reinder for others when mine hasn’t posted in 2 days. feeding time is also messing up to. why others desrves to get there abilities cards with ease and while others are punished who are playing every day and suffering threw this. Is Zynga doing it on purpose to make it a joke. did all NY missions still haven’t gotten all aviaters stuff. now I have to reset and play again only got 9 out of 12 aviators. Good greaf. but thank you for extending the NY missions.

  36. Geoffrey Jesudasan Says:

    Why the reindeer mission even though i reached 87% , stiill there is no abilities as promissed

  37. I can feed my reindeer, but when I ask for help, nothing happens (ONCE, only once, did it post and only one person responded). The time limit is tooooooo short to get anyone to respond – or maybe that was the time period when the game was screwed and there was less the 5 min to click and avoid the white screen of death.
    Anyway, game is good except that every time you try to change something or add new content the whole game breaks down.

  38. guys,here’s the thing..whenever you do mission,if you see “request help from friends”,it means,you have one chance to request help..when you see this,go to the deer mission,request doing this things and it always work..give it a try~

  39. are the links to add clan members not working? i keep clicking on them and it just redirects me to the main page without a confirmation or anything. Help?

  40. I have not been able to post “brush my reindeer” since this game started. So how fair is this? I will never be able to complete the missions and earn the mission abilities.

    But the problems continue. Today I checked my stats and I LOST around 1,000 judgement votes and none of my clannies have voted me toxic. What’s up with that?

    I’m so disappointed in and disillusioned with Zynga. And this is a company that wants to go public on the money it earns from suckers like us.

  41. What do you know about Dracula’s castles? All you want to know is on my website…

  42. Diane Winslow Says:

    Whenever I request “help” from other clan members on VW, I never get it, though, when I speak to those members, they say they have responded to my “help” requests. I don’t have this issue with Mafia Wars, so I assume it’s not a “Zynga” issue… just a VW issue. When will this be cleared up? This game is becoming too frustrating to play.

  43. Diane Winslow Says:

    Gifting – that’s a joke. I check off names, then am told by VW that I haven’t selected anyone. This is happening with Mafia Wars as well, so not sure if it’s a “Zynga” issue or a “Facebook” issue. In either event, it’s very discouraging.

  44. Diane Winslow Says:

    I lost over 100 avatar votes, am unable to send or receive gifts, lag-time…. I don’t think there is a word that describes the “LAG TIME” , in Webster’s dictionary, that is imposed upon VW users…. I’m ready to “Can” this entire application and share my thoughts with friends and others as a result. Thoroughly pissed off with the service VW has provided.

  45. So I got it to post once yesterday and per the instructions I know I can’t post again for 48 hour. No one can brush my reindeer. My husband got home about 4 hours later and it said that it was to late. But only one person brushed my reindeer (1 not 5). On top of that When I do the mission I get very little % done. I’ve done it everyday and I’m only at 34%. This sucks!!!! I want the abilities 😦 My reindeer is very sad

  46. I was real excited about the reindeer side game until it stopped working! none of my clan can help me feed it, and i will never be able to complete the mission on my own even though your link says I can…. I am very disappointed and hope that the problem is fixed soon

    • Yeah I just posted the same question (course in the wrong place on here lol)… but reading the “Q & A” at the top of this page I seen this;


      Q: I am not seeing my clan’s requests for help with my Reindeer. Why?

      A: Clan requests can be seen in your Combat Feed.

      Q: How come the “Ask For Help” button doesn’t work?

      A: The “Ask For Help” feature is on a 48 hour timer. So, from the first time you use the feature, you have to wait two full days before you can use it again.”

  47. I lost around 500 Avatar votes between yesterday and today what’s up??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  48. How are we meant to get an Achievement from the Reindeer when the posts dont appear. I am going to be well short of completing the mission on time when I play the game everyday.

    Can someone tell me why Vamps lag so badly on Facebook yet MySpace never lags!!! Is it Facebook that causes this or the Zynga servers?
    I am sure there are millions of comments telling you about the problems with gifting, voting or the lack of this ability and the pure stinginess of the cross running waters we get, the daft gamble that only ever gives you worthless abilities when they are not available any other way and really the favor points!! I mean who would $20 for a poxy 85 favor points!! This just favors the wealthy anyway and they should be easier to achieve. I know you people need the money to pay staff and run the servers and the network but I would rather have adverts than have to pay for something I can only use in a game!!

    Back to the Reindeer. Can we have a couple of days extension on it so the people who are not getting to post the help me’s can catch up on those who can?

  49. pages won’t come up, gifting doesnt work, help buttons dont work, spend more time trying to get blood from mission and not get any with over a hundred points each time, timers dont work properly, geeee this is a fun game isnt it?! Makes me just want to keep playing NOT! and that is only mentioning a few of the problems I am having!

  50. Cherie Self Says:

    I was excited about feeding the reindeer but it never posts when I ask my clan for help. I only have 5 active players in my clan so their help would be precious if I could get it. Please fix this.

  51. OK, so it’s been over 24 hours since I posted and “my comment is *still* awaiting moderation” Boy, guess I shouldn’t expect any answers any time soon from you then, eh?

  52. I’ve been having the same issue. I haven’t been requesting any help from clan members with any other missions. So when it came time to request help with the reindeer mission, it didn’t work. I’ve been talking with zynga support trying to get the problem resolved for the past 5 days, with no success. I’ve gone through their list of possible problems and made sure that everything they suggested was up to date and working properly, but still no luck in getting it to post when I ask. I’ve seen other clan members being able to post more than once a day or more than once within this supposed 48 hours in between request. This isn’t fair to everyone else that would like to complete these missions and acquire those abilities.

  53. I can’t ask for help with my reindeer either. It has been over 48 hours and I have not asked for help with any other missions. Nothing appears on the news feed or the combat feed and from what I hear many, many more have the same problem. The idea would be great if it worked, but unfortunately it’s just as bugged as the rest of the game.

  54. Waconda Baker Says:

    Have the same problem. Can’t post to clan, so getting no help. Now it seems that the site is down altogether. Please fix this.

  55. I cannot publish for help (managed it ONCE in this entire time) and had to try 3 times to feed the ‘deer today. The game appears to be hosed (the other games are loading just fine), atm. Rather disappointed =(

  56. im haveing the same problem my caln cant see my help post

  57. i currently completed 55% of the task but have yet to receive any snow ability, why is that?

  58. How are we supposed to be able to complete all levels when we can only get 5% completed in one day. It’s going to take 20 days just to get through level one. Unless my figures are incorrect that goes past Jan 6.

  59. my post of feeding reindeer is not always posting like it should. 18 hours staying up still no popup to send even tho it said reach the clans. been feeding it with little movement. i’m 50 years old and this is not good on my health. plz fix it. i’m halfway there while others got it done. been brushing everyones deer that been posting everyday. some of my clans still haveing promblems.

  60. 18 hours staying up hopeing my feed reindeer will post. even tho it said has gone to clans it did not. been feeding it with little movement. this not fair for those who are haveing promblems with this. they should extend it or get rid of it till its fixed. i’m half of the first mission.

  61. Fay Bamford Says:

    My reindeer food keeps vanishing! Have lost 20 plus bowls so far… On a number of occaisons I have checked in Exp/Mission Items that I have suffient but by the time I have moved from there to the Elders/Vampire Santa page I have lost all but one bowl!

    A fix would be appreciated!

  62. damn the technical problems suck!
    blank pages, posting problems, “try again”, “try refreshing”…-_-
    just now i can’t help a friend out caring for the reindeer (or do anything else) because i keep getting a blank page

  63. yeah got the idea now, however since I logged off about 24 hrs ago have lost 1000+ votes, was over 4000 when I left and still rising, then I come back and there it was at just over 3000, and no my clan didn’t vote toxic, and no ugly stick to show for the loss of votes either, have not requested toxics at all

  64. as the above….im getting screwed out of picking up some great abilities…….?

  65. hey…everyone seems to have errorrs in vamp wars..especiallyy expiring posts and being redirected to home page or kicked out of a mission or judgement page..does anyone know why…and why the change in the unlock time of new york mission?

  66. Cindi Carroll Says:

    No only can I still not post help for my reindeer, today I checked my stats and I LOST around 200 judgement votes, not to mention expired links etc, etc, etc……

  67. I can post the deer information to my wall…

    using IE FF or chrome neither…
    but my friend’s acout working in my computer….

  68. i cannot get the ask for help button to work on the reindeer one in my clan is able to help me brush his hair. it worked 1 day.since then nothing..i do not want to miss out on the abilities..others in my clan are having the same is not fair to them either ..thank you for your time…please fix this…lisa

  69. ohh that raindeer kinda tasty hehehehe

  70. Running into same trouble says it posted thou nowhere for my fellow clannies to click to assist with my request for help with R.D. mission, althougth I was able to help out 1 of my clannies with their R.D. mission. Please fix this problem so as to KEEP GAME PLAY FAIR or award abilities to everyone across the board for the trouble…..

  71. So,once the sweeps are over for this one and we have it at 100% completion,we get all 3 or just the Superior Snow Army?

  72. Hey, the problem is also on facebook! (Not just myspace!)
    please (if possible) also increase the facebook %

  73. i am having problems with the vampire wars NY missions. I have completed two complete tiers of missions in NY and have only recieved five of twelve items, I think I have lost one or two items, Can you help PLEASE??????

  74. I see I am far from the only one with the problem of not being able to post the Reindeer Help Request. But I am concerned, because I would really like to earn the greatest reward. I feed them every 24 hours, but my friends can’t help. It’s even supposed to be in the Combat feed, but it’s not. I would like to have some idea as to what the problem is, and how to correct it, please.

  75. Dead Reptile Says:

    Well lets see I have 60% done with the reindeer feeding and i have not got anything from it.No abilitys what so ever.So if you r suppose to get the first 1 after 50% then where the hell is mine at.

  76. Q: How come the “Ask For Help” button doesn’t work?

    A: There are two parts to this, the first is an issue with Facebook that sometimes prevents posts going to players’ walls. The second is that the “Ask For Help” feature is on a 48 hour timer. So, from the first time you use the feature, you have to wait two full days before you can use it again.

    what a bogus answer! and why do we have to wait 48 hours–so after the first failure it is set to keep failing! How dumb is that???

  77. No response from who’s in charge of this blog?


  78. Suckayourneckfreak Says:

    I did not get my gifts today whenever I went into the gifts and got them and went to play the game nothing showed up !! What is the deal with that ….

  79. I’ve done the reindeer thing almost everyday, but i missed the very first day. My clan members don’t play much anymore, and even if i come back everyday between now and the January 6 deadline, i still will only have 95% completion. Is there any way that the deadline can be extended just a few days?

    • Just ran into a new problem. Vampire Wars said that some of my friends had helped with the reindeer mission, but my % did not increases.

  80. Is this broke? When I ask for help, it does not appear (my other clan members cannot see the request). I am only allowed to feed them once a day? This does not seem like it will allow enough time to master the missions. I feel that this add-on is faulty. Thanks.

  81. I wrote to zynga about this mission….this is what I wrote…I want to know how I am supposed to get help with the reindeer when the help button won’t post anything…I see other peoples up on the live feed but never mine.I am not the only one in this situation and I feel at a dissadvantage because I will never get the missions done at this rate… what can be done about this??? I am getting increasingly irritated with vampire wars at the moment because there is not alot right with it.I suggest you get it sorted out or you are going to start losing players,as…like myself they are fed up with it

    This is the respose I got….Thanks for contacting Zynga.

    Please be informed that check your live feed on the facebook if it is posted already then you will not be able to ask for help until your friends click on help.
    If still persist then provide us the screen shot of Santa’s reindeer page.

    I don’t see how this answers the question I asked or how a screenshot of the reindeer page will help, considering the message I get is that it has been sent out to my clan.

    Zynga is not sorting anything out as far as I can see and won’t even answer our concerns properly. BOTTOM LINE::: It is not fair that some people are getting help with this mission and others are not, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT

  82. Stupid and pointess task – fix the long term bugs of this game before adding new content – Getting sick of Zynga adding new stuff and not fixing the game.

  83. Should have said my request for “brush Reindeer” says it has gone to my friends but nothing shows on their wall or mine, oops! Thanks again! Merry Christmas

  84. It says that my request has gone out but nothing shows on the wall of my friends or mine. Have problems getting the blood too, but I keep plugging away at it! Thanks for all your hard work!

  85. On the facebook app, we’re still not able to request for help. Is there any way you can increase the percentage gained on the facebook app too like you did for the myspace one? I don’t see how anyone is going to finish this one unless we can get help. Thanks!

  86. I’m a Facebook user, and I have only been able to post the call for help for the Reindeer mission twice in the entire time it has been up. All other times, I have received a notice on the page that the call for help was posted, but I received no popup to allow me to post it to my wall.

    I have been participating every day since the Reindeer mission was posted.

  87. Lorraine Hamamock Says:

    When I push the button for my clan to hellp, the BRUSH MY REINDEER NEVER posts to the wall. SO no one can ever brush my reindeer.

    when i brush someone elses reindeer does that give me credit for my reindeer? thank you.

  88. Gail Justice Says:

    I think it is totally unfair that you have not resolved the issue that MANY of us are experiencing with our reindeer brushing not posting… I am a dedicated daily player and that I would not be eligible for the same superior prize because of a glitch in YOUR programming stinks!!!!!!! Shame on you!!!

  89. Just curious, since this was full of glitches from the start and many couldn’t post for help, which you’ve made a requirement of completion, will you be making things right by us and extending the length of time available to complete…?

  90. When I ask for help…it NEVER posts!!

  91. I too cannot get help… says my clan has been notified but I cannot publish to the news feed for others to help.

  92. There’s someting wrong with this mission. Only one day so far did I register help from clan mates. And I’ve asked every day. Others have expressed problems, why doesn’t someone fix this so it’s fair for all?

  93. When I request help with the reindeer mission, I never get a link to post. It says a message was sent to my clan but they get nothing. Why do I not get thte link like everyone else?

  94. Missions NEVER post to wall. Players are trying to post urls to their walls or feed to get to the mission. It is not working for me or most. Will the glitch be fixed in time to actually COLLECT the special abilities?

  95. My link will not post when asking for help with the reindeer; nor will the links for any of the lvl bonus’s or trophies work( link is always expired)??
    Several people have this problem …

  96. my reindeer mision help doesnt get posted on my wall…:(

  97. I have the same problem as Eyekwah – I can do the mission and brush other people’s reindeer, but my own requests for help aren’t seen by my clan. I get the same message.

    Is this a program problem. Can we post an actual link to the help mission somewhere for help?

  98. Same here not showing up on my wall. So how do my friends find it to help? It says up to 5 friends a day can help, I’ve tried to help other friends and it is telling me you already helped #$%^ . So I’m only able to help one friend a day. At this rate no winning.

  99. Rocky Smith Says:

    I’m on 55% but i did not get any ability, i thought i’d get one as i crossed 50% ? how will i know that i got one of the 3 abilities 😦

  100. I still am unable to post for help with this mission as well. Could someone please respond and tell me why not? I only feed once a day and ask for help, but it won’t post.

  101. darkgoth666 Says:

    How can I give attention to the animal? I only can give food…

  102. It’s been 3 days since the reindeer mission has been up and the requests are not all posting on Facebook. Rumors that the requests are being put on the combat feeds are NOT true. Can’t Zynga put a link on the reindeer mission explaining the whole thing better? The players I’ve communicated with say 1 out of 3 requests actually make it to the wall.
    And……Airy, that’s not a cake, it’s a dish of finger food for the reindeer, you can have it gifted or get it doing missions.

    Will one of you Zynga game developers PLEASE respond?

  103. I’m having the same problem as Eyekwah. My husband also plays and it posted once for him but is now not working. Is someone working on this? Or is there something I can do to fix this?

  104. My problem is for the past 3 days I haven’t been able to post help to my clan to help me with anypart of my reindeer mission. Its gone up 15% where I hear other peps saying that there at 90% coplete and have all 3 snow men abilities. Any suggestions?

  105. I, and many of my clan are also not getting pop=ups to post reindeer help! SOME of them show up in combat feed,but mine haven’t! Whats going on?

  106. my requests to friends arnt posting so im not getting any help

  107. Two days into it and I still haven’t been able to request help from my clan and I am on Facebook. Like apparently thousands of others. Pretty crummy when there are bugs like this in a time sensitive mission. I’m not impressed 😦

  108. It happened to me too, have requested help but no pop up at all tho it said have been notified. it has happened 4 times to me.

  109. […] Vampire Santa’s Reindeer When he’s not giving out Pyrokinesis, Vampire Santa maintains a pretty impressive group of Vampire Reindeer. The […] […]

  110. i have the same problem no pop-up for help just your clan has been alerted and thats it

  111. still the same 😦 no answer??

  112. Bug? Every time I ask for help to brush the reindeer from my friends, it says I’ve already sent one out, but I haven’t. What to do? Do I get another chance to send one out later, or is it a lost battle??

  113. i’ve done the reindeer mission twice and it won’t post to my wall. this has to be fixed.

  114. Same issue as many others. My request link does not post anywhere so my reindeer stays quite lonely. Great idea, bad execution!

  115. i’ve been trying to ask for help but it never shows up on my wall, like some others i’ve been helping.
    i’ve got enough food to last till next christmas and my hnd is getting sore for brushing all the others reindeer but mine is still at 10%, and it’s getting really annoying …
    please do something about that!!!

  116. the link “ask for help” isnt working, can’t post feed to the wall for help for clan mates

  117. It doesnt publish my help request now. I m not able to get help from my friends in this mission. Why is that so? plz fix it

    • (HW) Countess Asema Says:

      The help requests are still not posting. We will not be able to finish this mission in the time allowed.

  118. Can´t still get any help with my reindeer…..

    Shall not all have the same chance??

    Seems that some can get help several times a day, and some can´t get any help at all…
    Even tho I post the link in the feed They are to late… EVERYTIME!!!!

    PLEASE fix this so all can have a chance, or giv all that can´t post or get help give them thoose abilitys all 3 of them 😉


  119. You wrote:

    Facebook players can post a feed to their wall asking for help from clan-mates. Five clan-mates a day can help, adding 1% each, totaling an additional 5% per day.

    The Request for help posting doesn’t work correct. A lot of us aren’t able to post this request.

    Would be nice, if you could fix this and if you gave those people the opportunitie to get the lost 5 percent per day.

    Thank you

    • “Five clan-mates a day can help, adding 2% each, totaling an additional 10% per day.”

      So the request can be used up to 10 times in a 48hr period? 5 per 24hr – 10 per 48hrs? or does it expire after 5 uses?

      • And also- is there a % cap? I was at 95% and 5 clan mates brushed fur. However, I only received 4% help credit.

        Do I need to do 99%-100% myself? Not that it’s that huge of a deal.

  120. I am having the same problem, where I am not able to post the reindeer job on my wall for others to do, but i see others are able to, including my husband. why doesnt this work on mine?

  121. Day 2 of feeding the reindeer and the same thing is happening. It says it has sent out notice to my clan but it will not let me publish. This mission request is NOT showing up on the the combat feed in game for me to get assistance that way. I am not the only one and many are experiencing this same problem.

  122. Hey.I’ve clicked on the ‘Ask for help’ button,but it won’t show up on my page.I clicked on it once the night before(Friday night is when I got started on it) and it won’t post.

    Any chances you guys know of the bug?

  123. same here cant post to facebook for help to brush reindeer

  124. lady diana earnblood Says:

    hey, where is the pompeii ash ????? i need it for completing my game. you have change it with reindeer. and why the game keep giving error message ???

  125. I have done the reindeer mission twice now and both times it didnt post dor others to help. this has happened with many others in my clan as well

  126. Fun mission. Just wish my reindeerwould post to my wall for the clan to pet.

  127. My help requests don’t post, either. Which is yet another thing, among so many, that doesn’t work. I was actually considering BUYING favor points to get the featured abilities…that’s not likely to happen, it’s pointless. Every day, more disappointment and frustration.

  128. Well glad to know that at least I will get the abilities. Now as for all the 200000 in blood that I am missing out on for each person on my over 200 clan that I cannot pet their deer that is another issue isn’t it. Seems you all don’t care that the game isn’t working properly. It’s all just minor glitches to you all. I am wondering how minor it would be if everyone got tired of these minor glitches and quit playing your games. It would be nice to know that you took pride in turning out a quality product.

  129. I hit the ask for help button and it says that your request has been posted but my request does not show up on the live feed. What am I doing wrong?

  130. I can´t post the request for help with the reindeer either…

    Going to be difficult to master it all when many ain´t able to post..
    Know ppl that can post, they are on mastery 2 now I only got 5% on the first…

    Please fix so we all can post for help.

  131. I’ve also been unable to put the ask for help stuff on my wall. Please tell us how to fix this cause we can’t finish the mission without this!

  132. Please, The Requesr help from clannies, don´t post…

    Please fix it, can see that some can post, but I never get anything that posts..
    Several of my clannies have the same problem please help us post it.


  133. Christy McComb Says:

    Cant post help for this mission! why not?

  134. yep same problem as Eyekwah

  135. huh. I’m on FB – clicked the mission and had clannies help. my % increase went to 25%.

  136. The people that can’t get their clans help with the feeding of the reindeer in the game will be getting screwed out of the special abilities because with only getting 5% complete for each feeding it will take 20 days to even complete it and there aren’t that many days till the special mission expires. If you were smart you guys would set it like the Mafia Wars special levels and let everyone do them every 8 hrs then at least everyone has a chance not just a select few. I use the newest Firefox and play it on facebook and yet I can’t get help from anyone. If you can’t set it for every 8 hrs at least have the decency to give a link people can copy and paste to ask their clans to help out with the taking care of the reindeer. If not then you guys in my opinion are considered cheats cause some people have the advantage of asking clans for help and others are just plain screwed.

  137. Deathskull the Demonic Says:

    I have a problem with this feature, unfortunately. It’s great fun and all, but I can’t seem to post the ‘Ask for Help’ option on my wall; which means I have no possible way of finishing the mission successfully. PLEASE advise us all on how to fix this as I’m not the only one experiencing this problem and I KNOW we all want a fair shot at doing the mission up to 100%.

  138. I have food, i have done the mission, waiting another 11 hours. So heres the deal:

    I have asked for help from my clan. It says they have been notified…NOTHING happens. There is NO post on wall, no where for clan to go. Please advise. Thanks!

  139. I don’t know what cake you are talking about, but they need reindeer food. You can get that from gifts or from wall postings.

  140. I have the same problem as Eyekwah. Hope ou guys fix it soon.

  141. Epona Of The Horned One Says:

    Great Idea…but not so great when you can’t post for help…many in clan have not been able to post for help…is there another link that we can use so that other members in clan can help us with feeding these beasts? Pls provide one if possible Thanks

  142. get the cake by doing missions or you clan get gift you.

  143. I’m also having trouble with asking for help from my clan. I don’t understand what else I need to do for it to publish my request.

  144. I have the same problem with not publishing the post for help..the same notification that my clan has been notified, but none of my clan mates actually got any notification 😦

  145. i just can’t publish the help out message on my wall!!!
    it says that a request has been sent to my clan!!!

  146. I can’t get the link to publish so my clannies can help me??

  147. I’ve click the help button a couple of time but the “help post” didn’t show out or post in my wall. I’ve refresh and click the button again still it doesn’t work. What I got is only got this message “Your mission request has been sent out to your Clan. Check back often to see the results”

    How can my clan in Facebook can help me on that mission?? Hopefully this problems will fixed soon!! Thank you

  148. I can ask for help and it says I have sent notice to my clan but it will not let me publish the request. Nothing goes out to my clan. I can help others. But no one is able to help me.

  149. I also did the reindeer mission, and tried to post it, but it didn’t show up, what can i do?….. need help, ty

  150. I can do the mission (on facebook), but do not see any requests and my post did not show up. Of course, there are other things not working quite right, so may be all better in the morning

  151. I just used quite a few energy points and didnt earn one reindeer food. Or any blood. I thought it was supposed to get easier?

  152. thanks to zynga for posting a holiday special for us vamps, just like u do for the mafia…

    • Yea all of it would be nice if it actually worked! It all sucks and when one thing works something else screws up! I click on gifting and it says I dont have anyone picked to gift to. Get that to finally work and then I can not recieve the ones I get……its so screwed up, so much for fun and games! Zygna your games suck! literally!

  153. I see.
    But to do the mission, a cake is required. How can I get that bloody cake?

  154. It all seems great. can do the mission and i can see others requests to brush the reindeer but I am unable to post for help. It says my clan has been notified but it does not appear on my wall anywhere.

    • Cyndi Burr Says:

      I have the same problem. I’ve clicked the link about 20 times in different windows and no posts are made! It’s annoying!

    • The same is happening to me Eyekwah, nothing is posting on my wall for help. I hope this gets addressed by VW so we can help our clannies with this mission.

      • I too am having this problem, I post for help but don’t see it on my wall and have yet to have anyone help…is there a glitch? I don’t want to waste my energy on something thats not working right…is there ever anyone that posts a reponse to these questions? Come on Santa don’t fail us!

      • I can’t post for help either. It does the exact same thing … says my clan has been notified, but I have YET to see a notification from me anywhere. I can see everyone else’s though.

    • A lot of people seem to be having that problem. I was able to publish to my wall yesterday, but not today. A lot of people in my clan haven’t been able to publish at all.

    • the same thing occured to me..please help us!

    • I get this myself… it’s not letting me post the “raindeer job”, and I’ve not gotten a single assist. Makes it very unlikely to get the full 100%, being able to do the job every 24 hours.

      • I am getting the same problem, not posting to my friends pages although it says they are being notified. Not even getting to post to them to brush the reindeer. Zynga please help

      • ditto . . . same problem

      • Having the same problems here! 😦

      • Serephina Dark Says:

        I too have not been able to post a request. Only 1 time since reindeer game began.

      • Maverynthia Says:

        Q: How come the “Ask For Help” button doesn’t work?

        A: The “Ask For Help” feature is on a 48 hour timer. So, from the first time you use the feature, you have to wait two full days before you can use it again.

        It also doesn’t work if you asked for help on another mission. The only glitch here is that it offers the button at all. If you can’t ask for help then the button shouldn’t be there.

    • Im in the same situation – please fix this! its difficult enuf making sure i can get bk at exactly 24 hrs without this making it more difficult!!

    • I am having the same issue. I hit the ask for help button and get the following response of your mission request has been sent out to your Clan. Check back often to see the results but it never posts so that my clan can help me.

    • My partner’s request appeared once in my combat wall, but nothing since then – and it didn’t work. And none of my attempts to help clannies helped them! Boo to the reindeer.

    • I can’t post my req for help either 😦

    • I can’t get it to post for me either, but I see others can get it to post on the wall. What’s up with that?

    • Izabella Rise Says:

      Same here I can feed the reindeer but I do not get a box to publish for help…and many other people I know have the same problem!!

    • Anita Liddle Says:

      Same here it drives me a little CRAZY!!!!!!!!

    • I’m having exactly the same problem. Wish Zynga can fix this gliche in a hurry and extend the reindeer missions past January 6th.

    • same problem – doesn’t show on my wall

    • Same here…I have NEVER seen a request for help on my wall, or feed, or anything!! And I have not sked for help with any other missions, so I KNOW it’s not a timer problem! I’m not really hopeful that I’ll be able to complete the reindeer missin because of this… 😦

    • If you will scroll back up and read the post, it will tell you that you can only ask for help once every 48 hours. If you have already asked for help with a mission, you cannot ask help with reindeer. I was having the same, but found my answer above.

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